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It's dead, Jim

235 r/Outrageous-Laugh1363 2 days ago
It's dead, Jim

Stormgate's Early Access: 2 Months In

Almost 2 months ago, Frost Giant released their Early Access build of Stormgate - their first, and best, opportunity to impress a community that had tied so many hopes around what Frost Giant called "the next generation Blizzard-style RTS." They had reason to be hopeful, with a veteran team, incredible Steam Next Fest numbers, and the highest-earning gaming Kickstarter of 2023. What they received, however, was vitriol, criticism, diminishing player counts week over week, and a "Mixed" rating on

Stormgate NexusStormgate Nexus 3 days ago
Stormgate's Early Access: 2 Months In

Dear Stormgate Developers: PLEASE try a 1v1 map without Creep Camps.

Stormgate is in early access. Lets take advantage of it. Creep Camps in 1v1 as a concept made sense back when during development you wanted Stormgate to be closer to Warcraft 3 with Heros in 1v1 and slow unit TTKs. Since Heros in 1v1 didn't work and Stormgates TTK sweet spot is somewhere between Broodwar and Starcraft 2, it's time to close the chapter on Creep Camps in 1v1. Creep Camps in 1v1 have made Stormgate be more about focusing on farming Creeps for money between fights like in LoL and Dota 2, instead of playing the RTS to defeat the enemy. Creep Camps in 1v1 have no consistent design direction. You have demon dogs and big winged demons that are clearly Infernal units(one being a frontline melee unit with a special ability and the other being a T3 late game unit), then you have missile launching vehicles which are clearly a Vanguard unit(a T3 late game unit), random green slime mutants, and then mad max style WoW Horde cosplayers. Creep Camps in 1v1 have distracted from the point of holding the capture point towers at strategic locations around the map to get the most benefit of them. If you look at RTS games like Company of Hero's and Dawn of War, they just have the capture point being the center of the conflict. Creep Camps in 1v1 will always cause problems in 1v1 that will not exist in Campaign, Co-op, 2v2's, 3v3's, and 4v4's. Creep Camps in 1v1 are a liability that Stormgate doesn't need, can't afford to have, and can very much live without as an RTS. **If this 1v1 map without Creep Camps produces far better RTS gameplay for Stormgate, then that's your answer and you need to stop putting them on all 1v1 maps going forward after that point.**

Hot take: The low player count is due to lack of retention, not lack of interest.

Here are a couple of assumptions that support the headline. Let the discussion commence! 1. Basically there is not much to do in the game unless you are a hardcore 1v1 gamer. Player retention should improve as content is added. 2. Most players aren’t interested in continuously testing an unfinished game. Player retention should improve as the game reaches 1.0. 3. Many lower-quality strategy games on steam have higher concurrent than Stormgate. Those games have finished single player modes and more content. Player retention will improve as new modes and content is added. 4. Stormgate got some buzz during their beta phase, proving that there is interest in a game like Stormgate. Those players will return once the game is closer to its vision. 5. Stormgate needs its own fans. Previously the scene was borrowing fans from SC2, WC3, C&C, AoE and other RTS fan bases. What is slowly happening now is that Stormgate is growing its own dedicated fan base. While small, it is a steady core that foster growth over time. Now some, or all these assumption may be proven wrong in the test of time, so let’s hear it from you too!


Ranked Beta

343 W15 L96%
164 W9 L95%
355 W124 L74%
391 W227 L63%
273 W116 L70%
424 W216 L66%
372 W176 L68%
435 W282 L61%
189 W66 L74%
158 W46 L77%
177 W23 L89%
331 W159 L68%
298 W151 L66%
152 W23 L87%
296 W132 L69%

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Stormgate, I'm Begging You. Set the right expectations

It's no secret that the first 2.5 months of Stormgate's early access has not been the roaring success that Frost Giant would have liked it to be. It would be easy to chalk it up to missing features or a lack of polish, but it's much more simple - expectations have to be managed properly Follow me on things! Twitch➡ Twitter➡ Instagram ➡ TikTok➡ Discord➡ #Stormgate #SC2 #RTS Stormgate is a military science fiction fantasy real-time strategy video game developed and released by Frost Giant Studios

Stormgate's Early Access: 2 Months In

Almost 2 months ago, Frost Giant released their Early Access build of Stormgate - their first, and best, opportunity to impress a community that had tied so many hopes around what Frost Giant called "the next generation Blizzard-style RTS." They had reason to be hopeful, with a veteran team, incredible Steam Next Fest numbers, and the highest-earning gaming Kickstarter of 2023. What they received, however, was vitriol, criticism, diminishing player counts week over week, and a "Mixed" rating on

What's one thing that made you say "Alright, I'm done with this game"

I'm a coop player. So for me it was when they didn't bother to add any kinda progression past level 15. After the September patch dropped, I did a weekly mutation with maxed out Maloc and got 0 XP for it. They didn't bother to add levels past 15, so I wasn't gonna bother playing. I don't care if it's just a pointless shiny border around my avatar/name. They had to have something if they wanted ex-SC2 coop addicts to keep playing.

Feedback: I replayed the first mission after patch

**TL;DR: i replayed the first mission, i liked it, some suggestions for FrostGiant.** Hi, I wanted to check out the latest patch in the campaign, so i replayed the first prologue mission. **Pros:** * it's actually a nice mission imho, with a choice + sidequest * nice that amara looks better * the walking through the grass and it moves away is a nice visual upgrade! **Stuff that bothered me:** 1. I played on hard, and it was easy...i was almost always full health (for reference i am diamond in sc2) 2. I would like to center on my hero whole the time, its like i walk to the edge of the screen and i need to edge scroll whole the time => i understand that you can not make it so the camera follows your hero, but maybe with hitting space it could center on amara? not sure how to solve this. I understand that there is a hero button but in campaign it's maybe natural to set it to space automatically or so? 3. There were random white selection circles sometimes around trees, should not be there. 4. The first bit of the mission when you are alone with amara takes too long for me, because there is nothing to do. Would be cool if there is a bit of content, maybe even just being able to destroy some scenery? 5. When the first new hero joins the battle (blockade), i wanted to select him to attack and that's only possible after a short while. So that was confusing. 6. Finding the walkie talkies is nice but you can't stop and read them, it interrupts your game. 7. For me the enemy huts (i chose to go south) can be more clearly indicated as enemy, it's maybe the red on the dark background that is not super clear? maybe the huts can have more red color themselves? And as bonus, one suggestion for multiplayer, which i didn't see yet mentioned, but probably is: Please make it so your units can click on a creep camp tower to attack the creeps, now you need to select an individual unit.

MaNa TAKES ON THE BEST Infernal vs Vanguard Player in Stormgate!

MaNa recently swapped to Vanguard, so I decided to throw him against the best Infernal vs Vanguard player (Snoxtar) in Stormgate to see how he'll hold up! Spoiler: its a great series! Follow me on things! Twitch➡ Twitter➡ Instagram ➡ TikTok➡ Discord➡ #stormgate #SC2 #RTS Stormgate is a military science fiction fantasy real-time strategy video game developed and released by Frost Giant Studios

Weird pathing bug (trying to go over the border of the map)

This happened a couple of times for me, so I wanted to report the bug. Unfortunately I cannot provide a replay since I play via GeForce now and I have not figured out yet how to get the replays from there. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do that, I'd be happy to hear. Bug description: When the game starts, the first thing I do is select my Hexen and send it across the map approximately towards enemy spawn location. I do it with a click on minimap. What sometimes happens is that the Hexen starts moving, what it seems like towards the nearest map border instead of where I sent it. Clicking it again sends it properly towards enemy base. Happened on Isle of Dread and, I think, Secluded Growth.

Getting My Soul Crushed In Stormgate

Starting to really feel the fact that this isn't the only game I'm playing, I'm sure I can get over the hump that I'm in right now but god is it frustrating to just chain lose every matchup. Thanks for tuning in.

Stormgate, we need to talk.

This video began as a simple text document intended to just keep notes on what I liked and didn't like in Stormgate. It began to morph into whatever this is around the time I watched some of Day9's content on the topic. I wanted to figure out specifically what it was bothering me, not just say it's not good and move on. If you want to hear me rant about other stuff, or just watch me lose to Protoss, you can catch me here during the week: 00:00 - Intro 3:00 - Sound Design 24:58 - Visuals 45:38 - Gameplay 1:11:49 - Campaign and Co-op 1:48:57 - Personal Thoughts #gaming #rts #stormgate

Lets Play StormGate Campaing Part 1

Hello and Welcome Lets try Stormgate C&C, meets starcraft by look with league of legends heroes style mixes in my opinion from what i play so far. Sound was low at the starting intro had to turn it up on settings for some reasons stays on 50% Thank you for Watching